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Телефон: (42722) 6-90-31 Факс: 2-29-19

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Planning to come to the Chukotka Autonomous Region, be aware that

The Chukotka Autonomous Region is a territory of the Russian Federation with a regulated entry for foreign visitors. The host organizations (that might include regional and local governments, alliances, corporations, concerns, associations, unions, enterprises, institutions and non-governmental organizations) inviting a foreign visitor to the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region shall obtain a respective approval from the regional security service. Therefore, the foreign visitorss need a special permit to enter the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region.

Please also be aware that the Chukotka Autonomous Region is a territory with an established border regime that regulates entry, temporary stay, travels of people and vehicles, fisheries, hunting, and other economic activities, political rallies, cultural and other collective events conducted in the border zone.
The border zone on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region is limited to: 
- the rural settlements of Alkatvaam, Meinypilgino, Khatyrka, the urban settlements of Ugolniye Kopi, Beringovskiy in the Anadyrskiy Municipal District; 
- the rural settlements of Lavrentiya, Inchoun, Lorino, Neshkan, Uelen, Enurmino in the Chukotskiy Municipal District; 
- the 25 km-wide coastal area of the Russian Federation in between settlements of the municipalities specified above; 
- the 25 km-wide coastal areas of the Russian Federation in the Providenskiy Urban District, Urban District of Egvekinot, Urban District of Pevek, Bilibinsky Urban District; 
- the Urban District of Anadyr; 
- islands in the internal waters of the Russian Federation belonging territorially to the municipalities specified above.
Coming to the Chukotka Autonomous Region from the other regions of the Russian Federation, be aware that:

To enter the Chukotka Autonomous Region a local permanent or temporary resident needs to have a valid ID (passport). The local residency shall be confirmed by an appropriate local registration passport stamp/document. 
A person not registered as a resident of the border zone settlement, must have 
- a valid ID (passport), 
- an individual or a collective permit to enter the border zone (propusk) issued by the border guard unit in Anadyr; 
- a special letter (rasporyazheniye) permitting to come to the territory with a regulated entry for the foreign nationals.

The host organization that needs to obtain the individual or the collective permit to enter the border zone and the special letter for the foreign nationals, shall file a respective application with the Office of Governor and Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Region. For the detailed information regarding the application filing process please call +7 (42722) 6-90-16 or send an email at The same information and the application forms are available at the “Useful Information” section of the official website of the Chukotka Autonomous Region http://чукотка.рф. As soon as the application is approved, the host organization will receive the letter permitting the foreign nationals to enter the Chukotka Autonomous Region (rasporyazheniye) and the permit to enter the border zone (propusk). These two documents can be collected from the International Relations Department of the Office of Governor and Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Region. 
While staying in the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, be aware that:

The visitors who received their individual or collective entry permits (propusk) can come only to the settlements that are specified in the entry permit. Travels within the border zone are restricted to the localities specified in the entry permit (propusk). 
The period of stay in the border zone is limited to the period specified in the entry permit.
Contact information:

The Anadyr Border Unit of the Russian Federal Security Service in the Eastern Artic Area: 46 «Б» Otke Str, Anadyr 689000, Chukotka Autonomous Region +7 (427) 222-53-71 (fax); +7 (427)226-30-14 (phone) PU.CHUKOTKA.AO@.FSB.RU (E-mail) 
International Relations Department of the Office of Governor and Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Region: 20 Bering Str, office 15, Anadyr 689000, Chukotka Autonomous Region +7 (427) 226-90-16 (phone).